Anna Tardos, Budapest
Pikler Institute ·
- Child psychologist
- Director of the Pikler Institute (also known as "Lóczy") in Budapest
- Scientific researcher of infant and child development since 1961
- Author and co-author of numerous publications
- Holds international lectures and seminars
- Teacher of infant and child education, co-author of a TV and video series for parents
- Supervisor of Pikler® playroom groups
Christine Ackermann Zehnder (*1963)
- Management training
- Trained as a playroom group leader and Montessori educator
- Has worked with Pikler® pedagogics since 1995
- Founder and director of the playgroup "Pikler®-Kleinkinderhaus" ("Pikler Infant House") since 1999
- Seminar leader
- Mother of two sons (*1992, 1995)
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Monika Aly
Pikler-Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. ·
- Child physiotherapist
- Systemic Coach
- Seminar leader
- Author
- Chair of the association Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin e.V.
- Freelance practitioner
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Anna Breckner (*1966)
Wege der Entfaltung e.V. ·
- Diplom-Sozialpädagogin
- 9 Jahre Tätigkeit im heilpäd. Bereich, 4 Jahre tätig im Kindergarten Niederseeon
- Leitung von Pikler-SpielRaum Gruppen seit 2006
- Einführungen in die Pikler-Pädagogik
- Ausbildungs- und Seminartätigkeit
- Elternberatung
- Mutter von drei Söhnen
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Anna Czimmek
Wege der Entfaltung e.V. ·
- Medical doctor with over 20 years experience in the pedagogics of Emmi Pikler
- Offers advice and assistance to prospective or soon-to-be parents and new parents, both in groups and individually
- Offers training, further education and coaching to professionals working with infants
- Mother to a daughter
- Founding member of the association Wege der Entfaltung e.V., Munich
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Karsten Czimmek (*1963)
Wege der Entfaltung e.V. ·
- Studied theology, philosophy and mathematics before becoming an educator
- Professional experience in a range of different fields and many years of experience in pedagogics
- Director of the Montessori Kindergarten Niederseeon since 1996
- Offers training, further education and coaching for professionals working with infants
- Father to a daughter
- Founding member and president of Wege der Entfaltung e.V., Munich
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Heike Gräf, (*1963)
Pikler-Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. ·
- Qualified remedial teacher with a further degree in social pedagogics
- Has worked with children with learning and developmental difficulties and disabilities since her very first training as an educator
- Co-worker in a child and youth outpatient clinic in Berlin since 1996
- Many years experience in the training and advanced teaching of educators
- Has participated in seminars led by Anna Tardos for 15 years and has an equal amount of experience in working with Peggy Zeitler (Sensory Awareness)
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Margarete Große-Rhode (*1958)
Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. ·
- Degree in pedagogics
- Systemic family therapist
- Has worked in a child and youth outpatient clinic for children with development difficulties and disabilities in Berlin for 20 years
- Has offered further training for professional educators since 1996
- Has worked with Sensory Awarenes and Pikler® pedagogics since 1986
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Brigitte Huisinga
- Social worker
- Has worked with Pikler® pedagogics since 1991
- Advises parents in Pikler® playroom groups (since 1992)
- Leader of parent courses and seminars for child-minders, advanced training and coaching for pedagogical professionals
- Founded a nursery in 2002 based on Pikler and Waldorf pedagogics
- Director of the nursery
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Michaela Küpper-Hoppe (*1960)
- Integrational movement and dance therapist (FPI, HPG)
- Mother to four children
- Involved with Pikler® pedagogics since 1994
- Has run Pikler® playroom groups since 1999
- Advises families on pedagogical issues in discussion groups.
- Offers training and advanced courses for professionals in Pikler® pedagogics, parental guidance and crisis intervention
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Hedie Meyling, (*1955)
Emmi Pikler Stichting Nederland ·
- Worked for many years as a qualified actress and Feldenkrais teacher
- Has worked with Pikler-Pedagogics and Sensory Awareness since 1996
- Founding member of the Dutch Pikler Foundation
- Offers training and advanced courses in Pikler pedagogics for professionals
- Supports parents in Pikler® playroom groups
- Mother to a son
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Charlotte Mühlinghaus
Pikler-Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. ·
- Physiotherapeutin
- eigene Praxis in Potsdam
- Leiterin von Pikler-Spielraum Gruppen
- Fachberaterin für Emotionelle Erste Hilfe (Eltern-Kind-Beratung bei Regulationsstörungen)
- verheiratet
- 3 erwachsene Kinder
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Christiane Pfitzenmaier
- Spielgruppenleiterin seit 1978, PiklerSpielräume (ab 2010)
- Waldorfpädagogin
- Beschäftigung mit der Pikler®Pädagogik seit 1993
- Gründung einer Krippe zusammen mit Brigitte Huisinga auf Grundlage der Pikler®Pädagogik und der Waldorfpädagogik (2002)
- Gemeinsame Leitung der Krippe bis 2015
- Dozentin in Fort- und Weiterbildungen von Fachleuten, Tagesmüttern und Eltern seit 1979
- Mentoring in Waldorfkindergarten und -Krippe
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Mag. Daniela M. I. Pichler-Bogner, (*1963)
Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft Österreich ·
- Studied German philology and French
- Montessori-Pedagogue
- Family counsellor following Jesper Juul
- Runs Pikler® playroom groups (parent-child groups)
- Offers training and seminars in Pikler® pedagogics
- Chair of Austria’s Pikler-Hengstenberg-Society
- Mother to a son (*1991)
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Christine Rainer, (*1961)
Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft Österreich ·
- Physiotherapist
- Mother of four children
- Has worked with Sensory Awareness and Pikler-Pedagogics since 1990
- Supports parents in Pikler® playroom groups
- Offers training and advanced courses in Pikler pedagogics for professionals
- Sensory Awareness in groups and individual work
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Claudia Sourek
Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft Österreich ·
- Dipl. Kindergartenpädagogin & Früherzieherin
- Montessori -Pädagogin
- Dipl. psychologische Beraterin
- Leitung von Pikler®SpielRaum-Gruppen (Eltern-Kind-Gruppen)
- Supervision und fachliche Krippenbegleitung
- Ausbildungs- und Seminartätigkeit in Pikler®Pädagogik
- seit 2010 regelmäßige Beschäftigung mit Sensory Awareness bei Christine Rainer
- Vorstandsmitglied der Pikler-Hengstenberg-Gesellschaft Österreich
- Mother of two children
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Ute Strub
- Physiotherapist
- Co-initiator of the Pikler®-Playroom movement in Austria
- Editor of Entfaltungen ("Evolvements") by Elfriede Hengstenberg
- Founding member of the association Emmi Pikler Hauses e.V.
- Offers seminars in Berlin and internationally
Amelie Suchy
- Dipl. Rhythmikerin
- Erzieherin
- Dozentin in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Tagesmüttern/Erzieherinnen/Studentinnen der Frühpädagogik
- seit 2014 tätig in einer städtischen Krippe in Wiesbaden
- Begleitung und Beratung von Krippen
- zwei Kinder
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Andrea v. Gosen, (*1952)
- Degree in pedagogics
- Family therapist
- Offers advice and training in pre-school daycare institutions and to parents
- Has received further education at the Pikler Institute in Budapest and from Ute Strub e.g. on Elfriede Hengstenberg’s concept of movement and Elsa Gindler
- Founded the Pikler® playroom for movement in Berlin
- Nursery school director
- Advises playgroups
- Married with three grown-up sons
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Anja Werner
Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. ·
- Child physiotherapist
- Has worked with Pikler® pedagogics and Gindler/Hengstenberg approaches since 1992
- From 1995 to 2005 co-worker in the child and youth outpatient clinic of Pikler Gesellschaft Berlin e.V.
- Founded the practice Beweggründe ("Reasons/Foundations of movement") in Berlin-Schöneberg
- Mother of three children
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Heide Wettich (*1949)
- Educator
- Director of the infant nursery Gleiwitz Straße (1978 -2009)
- Has offered further education and seminars in Pikler® pedagogics
- Coaches and advises nursery teams
- Married, mother of a daughter (1978)
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Helga Wolf
Wege der Entfaltung e.V. ·
- seit 1983 Erzieherin in Kindergarten, Hort, Tagesheim u.a.
- ab 2006 Leiterin der Kleinkindgruppe Spielkiste für 'Wege der Entfaltung'
- Sensory Awareness
- Heilpraktikerin (Naturheilpraxis für Menschen und Tiere)
- seit 2011 im Montessori Kindergarten Niederseeon
- zwei Kinder
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Peggy Zeitler
Wege der Entfaltung e.V. ·
- U.S.-American, studied Indology
- Has lived in Munich since 1967
- Trained in Gestalt Therapy and Sensory Awareness
- Member of 'Sensory Awareness Leaders Guild'
- Runs her own practice for Sensory Awareness
- Founder and director of the press: P. Zeitler Verlag
- Founding member of the association Wege der Entfaltung e.V.
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